Trinity 6-4-23

God's Grace, Mercy, and Peace are yours through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, Amen!

The text for today's sermon is found in the Gospel reading, Matthew 28, 18-20: "And Jesus came and said to them, 'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always to the end of the age.'"

Are you a republican? Are you a democrat? Are you a liberal? Are you conservative? Are you rich? Are you poor? Are you missional? Are you confessional? Are you privileged? Are you underprivileged? Are you a Minnesota Twins fan? Are you a Milwaukee Brewers fan?

We live in a culture of categories and labels. The culture categorizes everyone down to the nitty gritty details of our lives. Everything from your political persuasion to your sexual proclivities to the color of your skin and your heritage. The culture can pinpoint which categories you belong in and whether that's good or bad. Whether those categories are worth saving or worth destroying.

God doesn't work the same way that the world does. He doesn't deal in categories or labels. God cares about names and what they mean. He names Adam after the dust from which he formed the man. When God makes and fulfills his promise to Abram and Sarai, He changes their names to Abraham and Sarah. From "the exalted father" and "princess" to "the father of nations" and "the mother of nations". And God tells Sarah and Abraham that their son's name will be Isaac which means, "he laughs", because Sarah laughed when God promised she would have a baby at 90 years old.

God also cares a lot about His own name. When God gives His people His commands, He starts by telling them, "I am the Lord your God". And the second commandment is to not take the name of the Lord in vain. When Moses asks God who is sending him to free the Israelites, God says, " I AM WHO I AM," and say this to the people, "I AM has sent me to you." I AM. All that is. All that was. All that ever will be. The only One who creates. The only One who sustains all things. The only One upon whom the faithful can rely for everything. The only One who saves.

God doesn't deal in categories or labels. In our Epistle reading, Peter makes this abundantly clear in his sermon on Pentecost. He quotes the prophet Joel, chapter 2. Talking about the last days. When the final judgement arrives. He quotes Joel saying, "And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." And when Peter finishes his sermon, he says exactly who that Lord is: Jesus Christ, crucified and risen from the dead. When we go before the Lord on the Last Day, it is not our categories or labels which will gain us entry into eternity, it is our trust in the Lord. The One who died and rose for our forgiveness, life, and eternal salvation. The name that is above every other name.

God cares a lot about his name. And He cares a lot about what His name means for you. At the end of Matthew's Gospel, the last thing Jesus does is make a promise based on God's name. He says to make disciples in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. How? Baptizing them INTO THIS NAME. Baptizing into the One who is and who was and who is to come. Baptizing into the Father who created all things, the Son, who redeemed by His death and resurrection, and the Holy Spirit who sanctifies all those in His Name.

This is the name which was placed upon you in your baptism. When you were buried with Christ and given new life. When you were born again. And it is the name which we call upon. Whenever we gather, we call upon this name. In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

We call upon God to forgive us just as he promised to do by the shed blood of Jesus, His Son. Through Confession and Absolution. We call upon God to proclaim His Word by the Holy Spirit. His commands which guide us to live according to his will. His promises which point us to our hope of eternal life. We call upon God to grant eternal nourishment. Strengthening and preserving our faith through bread and wine which are the very Body and Blood of Christ. And we call upon God to hear our prayers. Because He promises to hear us as a dear father hears his beloved children.

This is also the name which we take with us out into the world. As we leave this place, we ask the Lord's blessing upon our lives. Our lives reflect God's name that He has placed on us. Our thoughts, words, and deeds give Him glory. And it is in His name which we are strengthened to endure the temptations of the devil, the condemnation of the world, and the weakness of our flesh and blood. For this, we give all praise, honor, and glory to God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen!

May the Peace of God which surpasses all worldly understanding guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus unto life everlasting. Amen!